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Add- Opening Ceremony - General view of proceedings
- Opening Ceremony - Lord Bledisloe delivering his address.
- Opening Ceremony - Mr. P. Levi addressing the gathering
- Opening Ceremony - His Excellency declares the house open.
- Lord Bledisloe Plants a Pohutukawa (1/3)
- Lord Bledisloe Plants a Pohutukawa (2/3)
- Lord Bledisloe Plants a Pohutukawa (3/3)
- Weir House vs. St. John's Hostel 1933 - line-out
- Weir House vs. St. John's Hostel 1933 - during the match.
- Weir House vs. E. Blacker's XI, 1933
- North Team, North v. South 1933.
- Traffic Problems! O'Shea and Birks, 1933.
- South Team, North v. South 1933.
- A photo of Weir House's first Christmas dinner (1/3)
- A photo of Weir House's first Christmas dinner (2/3)
- A photo of Weir House's first Christmas dinner (3/3)
- Weir House Team at Lyttleton.
- North Team, North v. South 1934.
- South Team, North v. South 1934
- Weir House entrance, night
- Weir House entrance, day
- Weir House from afar
- Residents stand in front of the Weir House entrance
- The Recreation Room Shortly After Opening, June 1934
- Supper Time! H. Whitworth, S. Odell, I. Campbell.
- The Weir House Team, Weir House v. The Rest, 1934
- The Varsity Team, Weir House v. the Rest, 1934
- Birks Bashers' and 'Halls Hoboes', Weir v. The Rest, 1934
- The Seven a Side at Half Time, Weir v. The Rest 1934
- McElwain is off down the line! Weir v. The Rest 1934
- The Weir Haka lead by Birks and Wills, Weir v. The Rest, 1934
- Lord and Lady Bledisloe plant a tree before the game.
- View from Weir House, 1935
- "A Calm Night (very rare)"
- Finalists of the Moustache Competition 1935
- Mae West comes to Weir
- The Abyssinian – Italian Stunt, Weir v the Rest, 1935 (1/5)
- The Abyssinian War Cry. The Abyssinian – Italian Stunt, Weir v the Rest, 1935 (2/5)
- The Weir House Team, Weir House v. The Rest, 1935
- The Abyssinian War Cry. The Abyssinian – Italian Stunt, Weir v the Rest, 1935 (3/5)
- The Abyssinian War Cry. The Abyssinian – Italian Stunt, Weir v the Rest, 1935 (4/5)
- The Abyssinian War Cry. The Abyssinian – Italian Stunt, Weir v the Rest, 1935 (5/5)
- North v. South 1935, player with trophy
- North Team, North v. South 1935
- South Team, North v. South 1935
- North v. South 1935 - line-out
- North v. South 1935 - mid-game.
- Sunbathing, Weir House
- Found in C5 one Sunday Night, Weir House
- Speaks for itself-!
- Weir's Whiskered One, Chris Lima
- The Official Welcome Party for the Varsity Footballers returning from Japan, March 1936
- Some of the Inmates
- The Weir House Team, Weir House v. Weir Old Boys, 1936
- The Weir Old Boys, Weir House v. Weir Old Boys, 1936
- The First Four Presidents Played in the Match, Weir House v. Weir Old Boys, 1936
- South Team, North v. South 1936
- North Team, North v. South 1936
- Weir's Pipe Band Ready to March the teams on for the Ruru Shield match, 1936
- Heiland Laddies and Lassies! Drama Club's Review, 1936
- Jesse Owens, Weir vs. the Rest 1936
- A Night off from Swot!
- The March Past of Athletes, Weir vs. the Rest 1936
- At the Annual Picnic, Titahi Bay, 1937
- The Chariot Race! Weir House Annual Picnic 1937
- Lunch Time! Weir House Annual Picnic 1937
- More Lunch! Weir House Annual Picnic 1937
- Weir House Representatives Varsity Tournament 1937
- Cricket, Won by South. [Left]
- Cricket, won by South. [Right]
- Football, won by North [Left]
- Football, won by North [Right]
- On a Sunday Afternoon
- "Fun", Weir House miscellaneous photos 1937
- On Public Works
- "and Games", Weir House miscellaneous photos 1937
- Weir House Team, Weir v. Massey 1937
- Massey University Team, Weir v. Massey 1937
- Weir House Team, Weir v. the Rest 1937
- The Victors, Weir v. The Rest 1937
- One of our Worthy Committee men, H.P. Te Punga, on a fine Sunday.
- The Great Plague 1938!! (Weir House)
- Victorious North, Football, North v. South 1938
- South Team, Football, North v. South 1938
- Victorious North, Cricket, North v. South 1938
- South Team, Cricket, North v. South 1938
- Weir Team, Weir v. Massey 1938
- Massey Team, Weir v. Massey 1938
- Untitled, Weir House rugby team
- South Team, North v. South 1939
- North Team, North v. South, 1939
- Speedy's head may be seen beneath the tap. North v. South 1939
- Weir House Hockey Team, Runners up of the IVth grade championship.
- Victoria House team, Weir House v. Victoria House
- The Spectators Take Part, Weir House v. Victoria House
- Incident, Weir House v. Victoria House.
- Weir Team, Ruru Shield
- The Rest Team, Ruru Shield
- Mr. Brook adds his word of praise, Ruru Shield
- Innes scores a try, Ruru Shield
- A try for the Rest, Ruru Shield
- Weir attends the Home Movies – Russian Propaganda Film
- Weir entertains
- Plotting to overthrow the government
- Come for a drive?
- Weir residents in formal suits
- Weir resident in repose
- Weir residents pose for the camera
- Weir residents doing a haka in Brodie helmets (1/2)
- Weir resident in running gear
- Weir residents doing a haka in Brodie helmets (2/2)
- Weir rugby match, the teams jump for the ball
- Weir rugby match, line-out
- The Weir rugby team sit for a photo
- Weir rugby match, post-scrum jump
- Weir rugby match, mid-game.
- Weir rugby match, pre-game haka.
- Weir Residents playing 'Who Am I'
- Sunbathing at Weir House
- A very muddy Weir rugby match
- Haka inside Weir House
- Musical Entertainment at Weir
- Ruru Shield Team 1945 - Won by Weir 3-0
- The Residents 1945
- Inspecting the engine
- Young man with a car
- Sunbathing outside of Weir House
- Proud owners with their cars
- The Ruru Shield Team 1946
- The opposing team from the Ruru Shield match 1946
- Scrum, the Ruru Shield 1946
- Line-out, Ruru Shield 1946
- Line-out, Kelburn Keg 1948
- Mid-scrum, Kelburn Keg 1948
- Mid-game, Kelburn Keg 1948 (1/2)
- Mid-game, Kelburn Keg 1948 (2/2)
- Both teams from the Kelburn Keg 1948, post-game
- Both teams from the Kelburn Keg 1949
- Bill Treadwell takes the kick
- Mid-scrum, Kelburn Keg 1949
- Pete Jeune and Bill Treadwell
- The sled was Peter Tarrant's Ford, and Santa, John Stone
- Children in Santa's Sleigh
- Miss Hurly and Mrs. Napp are on the right
- The guests from the 1949 Christmas party
- Main entrance reflected
- The array of fine clothes is magnificent when Weir has its photograph taken
- 1949: Tony Latham, Bill Treadwell, Mike Chrisp
- Checking equipment before the game, Ruru Shielf 1949
- Weir Team, Ruru Shield 1949
- Mid-game, Ruru Shield 1949
- Line-out, Ruru Shield 1949
- The Teams, North v. South 'Kelburn Keg'
- "Corkhill, P. Mason, Pete Riden, Bill Miles."
- Dick Siddels, back view.
- McHague Scores
- Left hand side of truck, Weir House float
- Right hand side of truck, Weir House float
- Residents stand outside Weir in military regalia
- Residents in rank and file, waiting for dinner
- 1951, Arthur Bloom M.S. Fulbright Scholar resident in Weir during 1951
- Haka Party / Entertaining the crowd at the Basin Reserve (1/2)
- Haka Party / Entertaining the crowd at the Basin Reserve (2/2)
- Afternoon tea at Weir
- A line-out in Freshers' Territory
- A break for refreshments, Kelburn Keg
- A further break for refreshments, Kelburn Keg
- The Referee who best remain anonymous
- Weir House 1952 (2/2)
- Colour photo of Weir House entrance
- A shot of the U.S. Carrier “Tarawa” during her visit to Wgtn
- House Football Team, winners of Wellington 3rd grade 2nd Competition.
- B. Treadwell believe it or not got the ball from this line-out
- A striking pose by Sam Edwards our halfback
- A brilliant try by J. Bathgate
- S. (Lou) Lockhart misses one of the seven goals
- A gathering during the 21st celebrations
- G. Harris (fore), J. Bathgate, I. Rich, C. Seville, R. Jansen.
- Town photographer (& ex resident), B. Treadwell, B. Bennett, B. McLeavy, D. Lindsay.
- R. Fletcher and P. Chamberlain having a little relaxation in the Rec. Room.
- Myself and R. O’Connor having a break from swot.
- One of the two House floats in Procesh
- JOCK – this year’s janitor
- C. N. Hooker. Caught at this year’s picnic held at Eastbourne.
- Kelburn Keg
- Weir Team 1955
- 1956, Sports Committee
- Vehicle Fleet
- The Men From Gisborne
- Nelson College Old Boys
- Weir v. Varsity 1957, mid-game
- Weir v. Varsity 1957, line-out
- Calypso Kinder admires Roy
- The R. T. ("Yul") Peach Incident
- Weir men relaxing after Sunday dinner
- Getting ready for Mike O'Connor's 21st
- Interrogation at Weir Initiation
- A puff of smoke from the resident scientist
- The Melting Pot of the Middle Yeazt
- Two residents during initiation, 1958
- ♀[standard female sex symbol], upwards arrow __!?
- Banana Box Incident
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Weir House Residents' Association, Weir House Photograph Album (c1933-1958). Victoria University of Wellington, accessed 11/02/2025,