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Accessing the Collection

Our physical collections are accessible within the JC Beaglehole Room, where they are available to all for teaching, learning and research. The JC Beaglehole Room is located on Level 4 of Te Pātaka Kōrero, Victoria University of Wellington’s Kelburn Campus Library, via the south stairwell and lifts.

Please note: our physical collections can only be consulted within the JC Beaglehole Reading Room and require retrieval from storage. Please contact us at least 24 hrs ahead of time to request material for viewing.

Our routine opening hours are Tuesday–Thursday, 1–4 pm and the collections can be accessed at other times Monday–Friday by appointment. Digital copies of material can also be supplied on request, copyright permitting.

To make an appointment to visit, or to enquire about a collection or digital supply of materials, please get in touch. You can either:

  • Contact us via the online form
  • Email us at
  • Phone us on +64 4 4635681


Unless otherwise indicated, the material available on this website is protected by copyright owned by the University or its related entities.

You can use copies of the digital materials on this site for your own private study and research, for non-commercial criticism and review, or for classroom or distance teaching where they will only be accessible to the enrolled class.

For any other use please contact us.

If reproducing material, please:

•    reproduce accurately and without modification
•    cite the source* and acknowledge the copyright owner of the material
•    do not use the material in a derogatory manner or a misleading context

* You may satisfy the citation requirement in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means and context in which the material is used. For further recommended practices, see Creative Commons Recommended Practices for Attribution.

Any material identified as being copyright to a third party requires the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce.

Taonga Māori materials, and other material depicting people either living or dead, may have special cultural or personal significance and should be treated with due consideration and respect.