TypePosterCreatorDave KentHalt All Racist ToursWellington Media CollectiveDate1969-1983CollectionFolder titled 'Racism Apartheid'.DescriptionLaminated black and white poster advertising events for a Sharpeville Commemoration, such as a protest rally, seminar and fundraising social. Includes a photograph of an African man in a woollen hat bisected by a target-style cross, plus text about the Sharpeville massacre and information about the commemoration events such as times, dates and places. Events all held at the Thorndon Music & Drama Society Clubrooms, Grant Rd, Thorndon. Small print reads 'Published by HART Wellington. PO Box 9695. PH 856-184.'
Sticker on rear of poster states 'This poster is on long term loan to TUEA from Therese O'Connell. The poster has been laminated with a grant made available by the Ministry of Women's Affairs.'
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Wellington Media Collective, 'Remember Sharpeville!' (1969-1983). Victoria University of Wellington, accessed 09/02/2025, https://tapuaka.wgtn.ac.nz/nodes/view/958