TypePosterDate"[1980s]"CollectionFolder titled 'General Union 2'.DescriptionLaminated colour poster advocating the joining of various unions. Printed in red, white and blue. Includes an image of separated jigsaw pieces titled 'CSU' [Combined State Unions], 'Other Unions' and 'FOL' [Federation of Labour] above the text: 'Are We All Over The Place?', and then the pieces are joined into a circle above the text: 'Or All Together? The CTU [Council of Trade Unions] Makes Sense.'
Sticker on rear of poster states 'This poster is the property of the: Trade Union Education Authority, PO Box 6645 Te Aro, Wellington, (04) 852-938'.SubjectLabor unionsRightsIn copyright
This item is in copyright; permission for reuse must be obtained from Victoria University of Wellington and the creator(s).