TypePosterCreatorLesley MacleanVocational Training CouncilDate"1985"CollectionFolder titled 'Women General'.DescriptionPoster informing readers that 'Women Can Do Anything!' Includes a large grid of coloured drawings relating to various professions and black and white photographs of women, most at work. Images are overlaid with small yellow labels naming the various professions described. One square states: '... read the Personal Viewpoint pamphlet series...' Also includes the text: 'Drawn by Lesley Maclean for The Society For Research On Women (Christchurch Branch). Published by Vocational Training Council.' Printed in Wellington in 1985 by R. Ward, Government Printer.
Sticker on rear of poster states 'This poster is the property of TUEA, PO Box 6645, Tel (04) 852-938'.
Other copies of this poster can be found in the folders 'Untitled' and 'Art & Working Life'.SubjectWomenRightsIn copyright
This item is in copyright; permission for reuse must be obtained from Victoria University of Wellington and the creator(s).
PersonLesley MacleanOrganisationVocational Training Council
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Vocational Training Council, 'Women Can Do Anything!' ("1985"). Victoria University of Wellington, accessed 09/02/2025, https://tapuaka.wgtn.ac.nz/nodes/view/1020